Boring stuff
We were absolutely cream crackered when we finally got off the boat and it was just after 6pm by the time we got back to our room. Luckily the noisy neighbours next door had departed so that was a huge relief. The plan was to get showered and changed and head out for an evening meal but Phil took so long downloading his many photographs and writing the blog that it was dark by the time he was finished. It was far too late for me to venture out but I was a little hungry so Phil went out to the night markets just down from our hotel and got us some takeaway noodles. They weren’t the best I’ve ever tasted but they did fill a hole.
I let Phil sleep in on Sunday morning because we weren’t in any great hurry to check out, and for
once, the check out time was 11am; this is unusual for Oz, in all the many hotels/back-packers/motels we’ve stayed in, we’ve had to be out by 10 o’clock. I did the usual packing up while Phil took his laptop downstairs and posted the blog and checked the inboxes. It was another hot & humid day and not the best for the long journey back to Townsville. Still, we were paid up and on the road just before 10.30.
We both thoroughly enjoyed our time in far north Queensland but on reflection (we seem to do a lot of that these days) we both agreed, that we should have driven straight to Port Douglas and stayed a night there. It would have been good to explore the town in the evening and it was a shame that we didn’t drive a little further and to see Daintree and Cape Tribulation. But hey, we did what we did and can’t change it now. In hindsight, we think we also would have preferred to stay at Palm Cove instead of Trinity Beach but the apartment at Trinity was fabulous so maybe it’s not such a big deal.
There is not much really to report really. After leaving Cairns we drove for an hour or so and stopped off for a snack from a Sub-way at Innisfall. Someone (and I can’t remember who) had recommended that we stop off and take in the sights of Babinda but as we drove through the town we couldn’t see anything to stop for; maybe we missed it and should have turned off the highway to explore a little further. Never mind, whatever there was to see in Babinda, we missed it. We drove for another hour or so and decided to stop off and take a look at the little village of Cardwell. The sun was shining and the sea was glistening so we parked up outside the Cardwell Village Beachcomber Motel with a stubbie and admired the views.
Phil had the idea of stopping in Ingham for lunch as the last time we were there we couldn’t get in t
o the town as it was closed off because of a bomb scare at the bank. However, it was gone 2pm by the time we arrived and everything seemed to be shut which wasn’t altogether surprising because it was Sunday. I will still full up from my tuna baguette so I wasn’t fussed but Phil moaned a little as I steered him away from the Chinese restaurant which was the only eatery that seemed to be open for business.
Our last stop on the journey was at the Frosty Mango where I went to the loo while Phil queued for a mango ice cream; it tasted pretty disgusting to me but Phil seemed to enjoy it and it seemed to fill a tiny gap. The roads were very quiet and in no time we were back in sunny Townsville. We stopped off at Woolworths to get some supplies before pulling into the gates of the white house just after 4pm. I’d put the recycling bin out before we left and someone and I’m guessing it was Andrew next door had put in back in the front yard which was kind of him.
Thankfully the house was just as we left it although the grass seemed to have shot up in the few days that we’ve been away. It grows like crazy out here. I’m a little concerned about the fallen tree but Geoff says not to worry as he expects to spend all weekend tending to the garden when he gets back. Maybe if we get time, we shall get the mower out so as to save him a job when he gets home. Just a thought, but no promises Geoff if you’re reading this! Gardening is not really Phil’s or my bag, we tend to do a big tidy up in the autumn and then leave our garden well alone, all bar clearing leaves few leave blowing, until the Spring. If I had my way, our whole back yard would be laid to decking, paving slabs and gravel.
I unpacked and put away while Phil prepared the salad and new potatoes and cooked the steaks on the barbeque. A simple supper but just the sort I like. I phoned Jean from Skype but the
connection was crap. Skype has been invaluable to us on this trip but sometimes the connections falls out so often that it makes you loose the will to live. Anyway, Jean was out cleaning her daughter’s house and said she’d call me later. Which she did, I just wanted to tell her that we were back in town and we arranged to go out to dinner for one last supper before we depart from Townsville on Wednesday.
Boring stuff from me today I’m afraid but my DH is fast asleep in bed so hence the reason for my entry. Hopefully, more stimulating stuff from the boy himself tomorrow.
McCann Unravels. "Los MCcánn nó són víctimas són verdúgos"
Gerry MCcann es pederásta y no le ímporta que sea niño o niña lo que les interesan a los pederastas es su infáncia. LA JUSTICIA CUMPLE SE REHABRE EL CASO . SOS: EL RESCATE, DE MADELEINE (MCCANN) LA NIÑA “INGLESA” RAPTADA EN (PORTUGAL)
Madeleine MCcann el gobierno portugues y ministro de justicia mas fiscal y el juez toman una alternativa para los "Mccann" no hay cadaver no hay juicio.El juicio de "Marta Del Castillo" no hay cadaver pero se hace justicia......................
Madeleine MCcann En la primera anestesia la niña se despertó cuando se encontró al padre abusando de ella fue golpeada salvajemente por el propio padre al darse cuenta que no era bien recibido y volvió a ser anestesiada de hay la sangre de la niña de los golpes recibidos recordando en todo momento que estaba bajo los efectos del alcohol de hay el ataque cardíaco. Cadena perpetua para Un Pederasta y pedofilo Fueron los padres los asesinos mas torturaban a la niña. Los McCann y sus siete amigos cenaban cada noche durante sus vacaciones en Portugal, incluida aquélla en la que desapareció Madeleine, aseguraron que éstos bebían entre 10 y 12 botellas de vino, a las que precedían cervezas y cócteles durante el aperitivo mas lo que tomaban durante las comidas . kate y Gerri de profesión médicos anestesiaban a Madeleine puesto que lloraba 18 horas al día con mucha regularidad porque tenían en casa a su maltratador era ese el motivo de su llanto y se combirtio en un suplicio o martirio para el matrimonio causa del asesinato premeditado en primer grado aquí no podía haber ningún accidente por exceso de anestesia puesto que los dos son médicos .Estos asesinaron a su hija con premeditación .Los Mccann tenían deudas de tres mensualidades de su hipoteca de tres mil euros mensuales y las cuentas al rojo y se tomaron unas vacaciones veraniegas mas 40 días sin pagar nada por sentirse el director del hotel responsable de la desaparición de Madeleine total unas vacaciones a lo grande y todo a costas del asesinato premeditado en primer grado. No hay ningún retrato robot que valga basta, basta, de tanta comedia la falsa del retrato robot inventado por Remenber de Rokley portavoz del gobierno Británico y periodista que costo un millón y medio de Euros que tubieron que pagarles los Mccann por limpiar el nombre..Cuando se descubra la verdad se recuperara el turismo y la alegria de algarve recuperacion de empleos y la normalidad con el mundo.Está la reputación de portugal en jaque. "El último gríto de Madeléine MCcánn"
En vez de mistério tuvo más de círco y todo para tapar un asesinato que un niño no lo pasaria
desapercibido, lo demás de rísa por no llorár... Quisiéron hacérles al múndo un labádo de cerébro con retratos robot y comedias con el porta voz al frente.
Caso Madeleine McCann - Operación Task...
Es una manipulacion de ciertos jornaleros implicados con los MCcanes y remenber para segir estafando y sacando fondos Estamostodosaqui...Estamos hante una Máfia Órganizada ...
Advertencia cuidado con el monopolio capitalista es el que está haciendo que no salga a lúz este articulo por no salir de un juzgado o de un medio de comunicación y el monopolio. MCCANNES Y OPERACIÓN TASK no les interesan que salga a lúz porque se les terminarían la ganga silencio es el dilema de todo un monopolio llenos de mentiras aqui se está encubriendo la verdad...
Que sepán tanto gobiernos como jueces y medios de comunicacion que estan colaborando a crear un atentado contra la democracia y una conspiración hacia los derecho de la opinión y publicación una forma mas de hacer terrorismo tema de los MCannes es una burla hacia el múndo.Hasta que les vengan la sensatez a los medios de comunicación seguire ocupando su lugar. Esto es muy delicado para tenerlo en silencio los medios de comunicación tanto tiempo.
Hello again Gerry. I got it now, you don't like green Frogs either.